Your Guide to Gas Leak Detection and Repair Services in Tarrant County

The text "What Causes a Gas Leak?" in front of a picture of a meter.

Gas leaks present an incredible threat to your health and home. Sickness, fires, explosions and even death are all some of the potential outcomes of gas leaks. However, it is not always easy to determine when a gas leak is occurring. Here, HEB Plumbing & Sprinkler will look at some causes of gas leaks, the dangers they present, signs they are occurring, and what to do if one occurs. 

Exploring the Causes of Gas Leaks

A worker's hand turns a safety shut off valve on a natural gas pipe.

Gas leaks can have several causes. In this section, we’ll cover some of these factors. Please note this list may not be exhaustive.

Damaged Gas Pipes

Gas pipes lead to and weave throughout your home to deliver gas to areas that need it. Over time, these pipes wear down, which can lead to leaks. Gas lines can also be physically damaged through events such as construction or natural disasters.

Faulty Gas-Based Appliances

As with gas pipes, gas-based appliances can also be the source of gas leaks. For example, an appliance seal may wear out, leading to gas escaping. An incorrect appliance installation or repair could be another reason for a gas leak to occur.

Why Gas Leak Detection Matters

Given the devastating potential of a gas leak, you want to be aware of it as soon as possible. If there is a gas line or gas-powered appliance, it has the potential to leak. Depending on the location of a gas leak, it might go undetected if not for a professional inspection. Professional gas leak detection can alert you to dangerous gas leaks in out-of-the-way areas. 

Importance of Regular Gas Leak Inspections

A wrench next to a gas line.

Gas leak inspections should be conducted annually or sooner if you believe there is a problem. It is better to err on the side of caution. Gas line leaks can occur unexpectedly. Routine gas leak inspections can identify leaks before they escalate. The sooner you are alerted to a gas leak, the sooner you’ll be able to evacuate your home and have it professionally repaired.

Recognizing the Dangers: The Consequences of Ignoring a Gas Leak

A gas leak can have devastating consequences for both your health and property. By ignoring a gas leak, you put your health, property, and even the lives of yourself and others at risk. Gas leaks can result in several health issues, such as a loss of consciousness and even death. Gas leaks are highly flammable and can cause house-leveling explosions. Gas leaks are also harmful to the environment. While not as significant as the dangers caused by gas leaks, they can also cause your gas bill to increase.  

Signs of a Gas Leak

There are several indications of a gas leak that you need to be aware of. Please note that this list may not be conclusive.

  • A rotting egg or sulfur smell
  • A whistling or hissing sound
  • Air bubbles appear
  • Dying or dead plants
  • Dust or dirt is blown from a hole in the ground
  • The pilot light repeatedly goes out
  • A gas flame is yellow or orange instead of blue
  • Gas usage goes up
  • Medical symptoms of gas poisoning occur

Due to a phenomenon known as odor fade, it may not be possible to smell a gas leak. This can occur for a number of reasons, such as a leak occurring underground or in new pipes. Certain medical conditions, cigarette use, or drug or alcohol impairment may also prevent you from smelling a gas leak, so it is important to be vigilant and not only rely on smells.

Health Symptoms

Exposure to a gas leak may cause a number of medical symptoms. notes that the physical symptoms of a gas leak include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache 
  • Fatigue
  • Light-headedness 
  • Less appetite
  • Chest pain
  • Changes in mood, such as depression
  • Nausea
  • Ear ringing
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Irritation of eyes and throat
  • Blisters or pale skin (occurs when skin contacts compressed or liquid gas)

In the event of a gas leak, pets will most likely also exhibit symptoms. These include:

  • Difficulties breathing
  • Behavior or mood changes
  • Lethargy
  • Appetite lose
  • Sore throat
  • Watering or red eyes
  • Vomiting

Please note these lists may not be conclusive.

Emergency Response: What to Do in a Gas Leak Situation

If you feel your home has a gas leak, it’s vital that you evacuate your home and get a safe distance from it immediately, as an explosion could occur. Once you are a safe distance away from the home, call 911 and your utility company. Keep a safe distance from the area until a first responder or an official from the gas company says it is okay to return.

The following are several precautions you should be mindful of in the event of a gas leak:

  • Wait to use your cell phone until you are far away from the building the potential leak is in
  • Don’t try to turn off any natural gas valves
  • Don’t turn any electrical appliances on or off
  • Don’t use a telephone. If on a landline, don’t hang up the phone
  • Never use a flashlight
  • Don’t adjust appliance controls or a thermostat
  • Don’t ring the doorbell
  • Never use garage door openers
  • Don’t use elevators
  • Never start or turn off a vehicle 
  • Don’t open windows
  • If escaping gas is burning, don’t try to extinguish the flame
  • Don’t smoke or use open flames. (For example, don’t light a match.) 
  • Extinguish open flames not caused by the gas leak using water.

If you are digging and happen to damage a natural gas line, call your utility company immediately. Don’t try to fix the gas line.

Trustworthy Gas Leak Repair Services at HEB Plumbing Serving Tarrant County

A flag indicating a buried gas line.

Given the dangers of a gas leak, they must be repaired by a trustworthy and qualified professional. If you’re in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, the HEB Plumbing & Sprinkler team can help you identify and repair gas leaks. In business since 1980, HEB Plumbing & Sprinkler has the experience and knowledge to provide prompt and effective gas leak detection, inspection, and repair services. Contact us for an appointment.

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