
How to Clean Stubborn Soap Scum Out of a Shower

Disgusting soap scum on a shower.

There’s nothing like a relaxing shower after a long day. Whether you just worked out, worked outside, or just needed one, showers can be a little slice of paradise in your home. A shower is supposed to clean and relax you, not gross you out. However, over time gross soap scum can build up inside […]

Preparing Your Sprinkler System for the Coming Spring

A green lawn with sprinklers running and the words "Sprinkler Systems"

Spring in Texas heralds the return of vibrant colors to your yard. The grass is becoming that familiar green, and leaves are returning to the trees. H.E.B. Plumbing & Sprinkler is here to help you get your winterized sprinkler system ready for springtime, so it can help bring life back to your yard.  As with […]

Unusual Items You Can Safely Clean in Your Dishwasher

the words "unusual items you can clean in your dishwasher" in front of a picture of a dishwasher.

A dishwasher is one of the best timesavers you can have in a home. There is a certain joy in not having to clean dishes by hand after a hearty meal. What if we told you your dishwasher could go beyond dishes? In this blog post, H.E.B. Plumbing & Sprinkler will be breaking down some […]

How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal Like a Pro

A plumbing technician working on a garbage disposal with the words "How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal Like a Pro."

Your garbage disposal is a hard-working machine. Countless scraps of food are put into it time and time again. Eventually, small pieces of food can get stuck in your appliance, potentially causing it damage or to stop working. In addition, bacteria or mold can grow in it, which you do not want in your kitchen.  […]

What Is an Anode Rod and Why Is It Important for My Water Heater?

A picture of a water heater with the words, "what is an anode rod?"

Nearly every house has a water heater. It is one of those appliances you just don’t think much about. Since you don’t have to do anything with it most of the time, you probably only notice it when it isn’t doing its job properly. However, if you maintain it properly, you can get a lot […]

How to Prepare Your Outdoor Faucets for Colder Temperatures

An outdoor faucet with frost on it with the words, "how to prepare your outdoor faucet for winter."

It’s the time of year to start preparing your house and its exterior for the cold weather that’s coming. For those living in areas with cold winters, one of the important things to do is prepare your outdoor faucets for the season. Step 1. Locate All Of Your Outdoor Faucets The first thing you need […]

North Texas Lawn Sprinkler Water Conservation Tips

A lawn with an aboveground sprinkler running below the words lawn sprinkler water conservation

Only 3% of the water on the planet is freshwater, and yet we use it for a significant percentage of our needs. As a result, conservation efforts are becoming more crucial than ever. According to the World Wildlife Foundation, one of the biggest culprits when it comes to water waste is lawn maintenance. Lawn Sprinkler Water Conservation […]

How to Properly Maintain Your Water Heater

Water temperature controls on a hot water heater

Water heaters are a necessity in homes across the world. However, no matter how efficient and reliable your water heater is, it must be maintained to perform at its optimum levels. Traditional water heaters require regular maintenance more often than tankless water heaters. Proper maintenance can help extend a traditional water heater’s lifespan. However, there […]

Troubleshooting Low Water Pressure In the Kitchen Sink

A picture of a kitchen sink with the words, "troubleshooting kitchen faucet water pressure."

Low water pressure is a common and frustrating plumbing problem, especially in the kitchen, where the sink is used all day long. However, some causes of low water pressure can be easily identified and fixed on by yourself without hiring a plumber. Read on for a step-by-step overview of troubleshooting low water pressure in your […]

How to Inspect Your Sprinkler System for Spring

A sprinkler waters a patch of fresh green grass

With spring comes the season for lawn and garden care. For many of us, this includes getting the sprinkler system back in proper working order after a long winter’s nap. In this article, we’ll outline ten steps to help you complete this important annual ritual. Please contact a sprinkler repair expert in your area if […]